PhD & Postdoc Workshop
On Thursday the 22nd of June, in the afternoon, a PhD/Postdoc workshop will be organized. This workshop is open to all, but especially earlier stage-researchers, PhD students and Postdocs are encouraged to join. It will be composed of two events.
15:00-17:00 - From your PhD to your CV - Tom De Moor
How can your PhD unlock the right doors after graduation? In this interactive session, we map out expectations of a PhD profile, discuss how to integrate your PhD into a CV based on authentic examples and frequently asked questions and briefly consider how you can further illustrate your cv during an interview. Â
Throughout the session, the following questions will be answered:
What professional roads can a PhD lead to?
Which transferable skills does a PhD provide you with?
What are common do’s and don’ts of CV design?
How can I personalize my CV, e.g. by including motivation?
How can you integrate your PhD into a CV? How does that differ when applying within and outside of academia?
How do I properly elaborate on my CV during an interview?
For fifteen years already, Tom De Moor has been providing a broad range of academic English training sessions across all UGent faculties. Next to English-Medium Instruction and communication skills, one of his domains of specialization is academic application skills. He has developed and teaches the course Applying for a post-PhD Job for UGent Doctoral Schools, holds career management sessions for Master students across various programmes of the faculty of Sciences and coaches applications for various types of research funding (including Fulbright and ERC).

  17:15-18:45 - Ask Me Anything Networking Event
The junior researchers will be split into groups, where senior members of the community will join each of the groups to share with them their experiences (challenges, failures, etc. ). No forbidden topics!Â
With thanks to our Sponsors:

Workshop co-chairs:Â
Pablo Pérez (Nokia Spain)
Steve Göring (TU Ilmenau)
Femke De Backere (Ghent University)