Demo Paper Submission

Submission System

All deadlines are Anywhere on Earth Standard Time (AoE=UTC-12) at 23:59:59.

EDAS paper submission system

Demo Papers

Demo papers are part of a special event organized in a dedicated time slot during the conference. Participants are given the opportunity to demonstrate their most recent progress or developments, and interact with the conference attendees in an informal way, such as a demo, mock-up, or any adapted format of their own choice. Submissions are encouraged in all areas related to the user's quality of experience in multimedia, as advertised in the general call for QoMEX. Researchers are also encouraged to submit demo proposals that supplement their accepted regular papers and have a chance to showcase the technical aspects of their work through a demo.

Contributions must highlight the innovative side of the concept, and should be different from normal short papers in that the presentation is significantly improved by the demonstration format. Particularly, authors should address the following questions in their submission:

Same as for short papers, the manuscript may be no longer than 3 pages, including figures and tables, plus 1 page for references (3 + 1) using the format and template found here. Submissions will be peer-reviewed in single-blind format; authors and references (e.g., to open-source repositories) should not be anonymized. Reviewers will judge the originality, significance, quality, and clarity of the proposed demonstration.

Each presentation space will include one poster board, one table, a full-HD screen and a power outlet. Please feel free to contact the demo chairs (Jeroen van der Hooft and Michael Seufert) if you have any questions regarding the demo content or setup, or if you have requests beyond the basic equipment provided.

Submission Policies

Demo papers will be included in the conference proceedings as fully citable papers; they will also be submitted for inclusion into IEEE Xplore. QoMEX 2023 requires each accepted paper to be presented by one of the authors at the conference according to the schedule published. At least one author of each accepted submission must register for and attend the conference at a non-student rate, and demonstrate the system or mock-up during the demo session. Any paper accepted into the program, but not presented on-site will be withdrawn from the official proceedings archived on IEEE Xplore.

By submitting a manuscript, the authors guarantee that it is not previously published or under review elsewhere in a substantially similar form. Furthermore, no paper which contains significant overlap with the contributions of the submission should be submitted during the review period to either a journal or a conference.

Important dates (AoE)