Camera Ready Submission

Author Final Paper Preparation Overview

To submit the full paper camera-ready copy, you need to complete the following steps by May 12th, 2023 at the latest. To submit the short/demo paper camera-ready copy, you need to complete the following steps by May 26th, 2023 at the latest.

Details on the copyright notice, the conference header, and PDF eXpress can be found below.

Conference Header

Each paper must include a header with the conference title on the first page. The text of the header has to be “2023 15th International Conference on Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX)”.

LaTeX users can insert the header by using the tikz package:



Additionally, the following commands need to be added after the IEEEkeywords environment:

\begin{tikzpicture}[overlay, remember picture]

\path (current page.north) node (anchor) {};

\node [below=of anchor] {%

2023 15th International Conference on Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX)};


Copyright Notice

Each paper must include a copyright notice at the bottom of the first page. The text of the copyright notice depends on the employer of the authors:

LaTeX users can insert the copyright notice by adding the following commands right before \maketitle:



\copyright 2023 Crown OR European Union OR IEEE \hfill} \hspace{\columnsep}\makebox[\columnwidth]{ }}

PDF eXpress

Make sure you added the correct copyright notice and proofread your paper carefully so that no further changes are required. IEEE PDF eXpress can either be used to create an IEEE Xplore-compatible paper from source files or check an existing PDF document. However, any changes made to the PDF after IEEE PDF eXpress conversion or checking may invalidate the PDF. Papers not compatible with IEEE Xplore will not be included in the proceedings. To validate your paper, visit the page and use either your existing account or create a new one. The conference ID is 58391X. After logging in, use ‘Create New Title’ for each of your papers and follow the instructions. Once the paper passed the validation upload the PDF eXpress-signed PDF

Author Registration

For your paper to be included in the final program and to be published in the proceedings, at least 1 author needs to register with full registration and attend the conference to present the publication. Further details concerning conference registrations will be communicated by the end of April on this webpage.