Diversity and Inclusion Grants

Travel support for participants who self-identify as marginalized and/or underrepresented in the QoMEX community 

This grant intends to promote the participation of researchers from these underrepresented groups. Additionally, it can promote research collaborations and higher involvement of underrepresented attendees in future conference editions.  Awards will be provided, with the exact value depending on the geographical areas (to maximize our reach), diversity (to improve inclusion), and topics (to expand into new areas). 

Award requests will be processed on a rolling basis and should be sent at the latest by the 1st of June 2023 to the Diversity / Inclusion Chairs Julia Himmelsbach (Julia.Himmelsbach@ait.ac.at), Effie Law (lai-chong.law@durham.ac.uk)  and Sebastian Möller (sebastian.moeller@tu-berlin.de) with “QoMEX 2023 diversity travel grant application” as email topic. 

The request should provide the following information: 

The application is open for all career levels (incl. students). In the case of multiple applications that would exceed the budget, preference will be given to authors with accepted papers and without other opportunities for external funding.